
List of Baby Name in Hindi and English | बच्चे के नाम की सूची हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में

Names for a Baby Girl, Boy in English and Hindi

It is the dream of every parent that their house resounds with shouts, and a small guest should also come to their house. Plays a very important role in the life of parents, in the same way, the name of the mother, father, and child plays an important role in the life of children.

After the birth of a newborn child, he is named Karna and the name appears in the documents after that, and to a large extent, the name of the child determines his future or how his life will be.

If we talk about Hindu society, the child is named after 11 days after birth, and the child is named according to his time of birth and planets and constellations. The name can be kept from any letter till A-Z.

In India, regardless of the society, a child’s name will be the one on which the future is built. A naming ceremony marks the beginning of a new journey for your baby as he will now be called by that name.

The ceremony itself is traditional and culturally rich, and despite the changing times, we have come up with a great collection of great English and Hindi names for your baby boy to choose from.

Choose the right name for your baby:

1. Names for a Baby Girl in English and Hindi
2. Names for a Baby Boy in English and Hindi

Choosing a girl’s name is certainly a wise choice, but what are you going to name your loved one? Just randomly choosing a baby name based on some myths or asking an elder in the family to suggest a name. No, you have to try to find the right source to find a beautiful name for your beautiful girl.

We are providing you with a list of girls’ names for baby girls with meanings in Hindi and in English. You can choose the name of your child from this list.

All girls’ names and their meanings are in Hindi and English. You can find many traditional, unique and cute baby girl names in our collection. We update our girl’s name list on a daily basis and keep adding good names for girls to this list every day. Choose a cool name for your baby girl.

Baby Girl Name List:

Name हिन्दीMeaning
Aaradhyaआराध्याOne who is worth worshipping
AlishaअलीशाNoble; light
Ananyaअनन्याUnique; Goddess Parvati
AnikaअनिकाGrace; another name for Goddess Durga
AvniअवनिMother Earth
EshikaईशिकाOne who achieves
JeevikaजीविकाSource of life

When it comes to naming your baby boy, there are many different approaches you can take.

Here are some tips you can follow to help make the process easier:

1. Think of meaningful names that have special significance for your family.

2. Consider naming your child after a family member or someone you admire.

3. Check out this list of popular baby names to get some inspiration.

4. Check out the meanings of different names so that you can find a name that best suits your child’s personality.

5. Don’t be afraid to get creative and create a unique name for your child.

6. Choose the name according to the planets, constellations, and gotra of your child.

7. Talk to friends and family for some additional ideas.

8. Choose a name that you both love and will feel comfortable using for many years.

Boy Name List:

AayanshअयांशThe first Ray of light
Avyuktअव्यक्तOne who is clear as crystal
RihaanरिहानGods chosen one
VirajविराजBiggest in universe
kamalकमलBeauty, Perfection, Excellence
IshaanईशानThe Sun
AbhishekअभिषेकPurification or Cleansing
MuneetमुनीतOne who Wins Hearts
PuneetपुनीतPure, Holy; Clean
AmritअमृतA sweetened water used by the Sikhs as a sacred drink and as baptismal water
Manpreetमनप्रीतHappiness of the Heart; Who Pleases the Mind

How to Baby Naming

When it comes to baby naming, there are a few different things to consider.

First, think about the cultural and familial significance of the name. Is it a family name that has been passed down for generations? Does it have a special meaning to you or your partner?

Second, consider the sound of the name and how it will fit with your last name. You want a name that flows well and sounds good when said out loud. Finally, consider the potential nicknames and diminutives that the name might have and whether you are okay with those.

1. Consider the meaning of the name. Look for a name that has a special meaning for your family, or one that reflects your baby’s heritage.

2. Choose a name that will stand the test of time. While some trendy names may sound cute now, they may not sound as good in a few years.

3. Think about how the name will sound with your last name. Make sure the length and cadence of the name work with your last name.

4. Consider the nicknames that may come with the name. Be sure to think about any potential nicknames that could come with the name you choose.

5. Get input from family and friends. Ask your friends and family what they think of the names you are considering.

6. Don’t worry about spelling. If you like the sound of a name but it’s spelled differently than you thought, don’t worry about it.

7. Consider the initials. Make sure the initials of the name don’t spell out something embarrassing or offensive.

8. Trust your gut. At the end of the day, the name you choose should be one you like and feel good about for your baby.

Also, read these:

1. 100+ Emojis With Their Names | इमोजी और उनके नाम

2. 50+ Animal and Nature Emojis in English | जानवर और नेचर इमोजी

3. 50+ Food and Drinks Emojis With Their Names in English

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